Go Finland
Join us for this years challenge – Go Finland!
Go Finland
As you may recall we finished 2018s Go Transylvania at the airport …. turns out Transylvania was filled with something more terrifying than vampires – physiotherapists!
We will leave on a Jet Plane and arrive in Helsinki for Go Finland…but where will we finish (or should that be Finnish?!).
This year we will split between those who embrace Christmas in November and those who want to make it stop and leave all the festivity until December.
The choice is yours, kind of! Between 11 November and 30 November, one team, ‘TEAM I WISH IT COULD BE CHRISTMAS EVERYDAY‘, will be challenged to go from Helsinki to the North Pole and back before the other team, ‘TEAM BAH HUMBUG HAMBURG‘, get to their final destination – the Black Hills (not the forest!) in Germany which will be Christmas-free (hopefully).
What team do you belong in? Are you Santas jolly little helper or do you have a tinsel-isous break out when the Christmas music begins too early? Whatever your team, please join us.
We will be showing the world that life does not stop with Multiple Sclerosis and hopefully raise much needed funds for our physiotherapy service.
You don’t need to fundraise to take part but we ask you to raise what you can. Raise £50 or more and you will be entered in a draw to win a fantastic star prize – watch this space for more details. There will be a special thank you to everyone who who raises £20 or more.
We would like to thank the Newbury Buildng Society for supporting this event.
Sign up today
Sign up today – speak to a member of the physiotherapy team or speak to Sam on 0118 901 6000 or drop her an email.