We are thrilled that since introducing APS in 2016 we have helped 100 people with MS manage their pain and fatigue.
We are thrilled that since introducing APS in 2016 we have helped 100 people with MS manage their pain and fatigue.
‘MS is a life sentence but APS has given me my life back. I have better mobility, less fatigue and the hug has diminished. Am I completely cured of the MS symptoms? No but I have a quality of life I have not known for a number of years. I was dreading retirement, thanks to APS at the Centre I am not just embracing my retirement but actively looking forward to it, with active being the operative word! I don’t have to use a stick to walk, how wonderful, liberating and normal, not huge I know, but feels so much more normal to carry a handbag than a stick!’
Find out more, including what APS stands for here.