
BARKshire MS Therapy Centre’s Virtual Dog Show

July 19, 2020 | Southmedia

BARKshire MS Therapy Centre’s virtual dog open! 

Do you think your dog is furbulous and should be on the catwalk, whoops the dog walk? Well BMSTC is giving them the chance to do just that!

Between 14 August and 28 August, join us for the inaugural BARKshire MS Therapy Centre’s virtual dog show.

There is a category for everyone, choose from:

  1. Handsome Boy                                                                            
  2. Prettiest Girl                                                                                 
  3. Cutest Puppy (6 months and under)                                      
  4. Best Rescue                                                                                  
  5. Waggiest Tail – You’ll be asked to upload your video       
  6. Dog/Owner Look a Like                                                             
  7. Best golden oldie (9 years & above)                       
  8. Best trick – You’ll be asked to upload your video               
  9. The Dog The Judge Would Like To Take Home

There will be rosettes for 1st 2nd & 3rd in classes 1 – 8 with the overall winner in the class “The Dog The Judge Would Like To Take Home” winning a painted portrait of their dog by fantastic local artist Holly Fullbrook.

For more information, to find out more about our terrific prize and to enter, visit here: or email Yvonne at

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