Change for better mental health – turning your loose change into counselling

September 29, 2021 | Southmedia

Collecting loose change for our counselling service

Between 1 October and 23 December, we are asking people to donate their spare change to help us raise £1,000 towards our counselling service. Can you help us?

Earlier this month an article caught our eyes….apparently people are hoarding an estimated £50m in loose change with little sign of it all being spent as Covid restrictions ease. As a charity that heavily relies on cash, the cashless revolution is affecting our income making it very hard to plan.

At the same time since the start of the pandemic, our counsellor has provided twice the support since before the pandemic. Your pennies will be transformed into counselling support for our MS members and their families.

So please donate your spare change to help us support our members’ mental health during the pandemic and beyond. As always we will be collecting foreign coins to help us reach our target. Last week we received £42 in exchange for foreign coins someone had brought in – it soon adds up!

If you would like a cardboard collection box to keep at home, please let us know by emailing Marlene at marlene@bmstc.org or calling 0118 901 6000 and we will post one out. Alternatively you can collect one when are you are next in the Centre.

Do you work in an office or regularly attend a group? We can send you a pot to collect your team cash in.

Find out more about our counselling service here: https://www.bmstc.org/counselling

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