BMSTC Update

Changes at the Centre

October 8, 2021 | Southmedia

Update about the Centre

We are often asked when the communal area will reopen. It is currently closed as we need to control numbers at the Centre and want to see what the winter has in store before making further changes.

The procedures we have in place at the moment mean that if someone does come to the Centre who later tests positive for Covid, we know where in the Centre they have visited and act accordingly. If we open up the communal area, this becomes much harder and we face closing the entire Centre for a few days in the event of a positive case. Our main priority is to keep everyone at the Centre safe and keep as many of our therapies open as possible. 

However, we have listened to your feedback, especially from those who are unable to attend without a suitable indoor waiting area whilst waiting for public transport.

We have created a waiting area for those on community/public transport and need somewhere to wait for collection. Rather than a social area, it is quite an unsocial area with social distancing enforced. Refreshments are not available but you are welcome to bring your own.

If you want to use one of our waiting spots please let a member of staff know, who will be able to guide you to your spot.

All the other rules are remaining the same.

Thank you for all your help with this.




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