What do you think

How could DWP improve health assessments for PIP and ESA?

December 14, 2021 | Southmedia

Give your opinion on how health assessments for PIP and ESA could be improved

How could DWP improve health assessments for PIP and ESA? We are sure there are some strong opinions on this! MPs want to hear your experiences of applying for PIP and ESA.
There is more information about the survey by clicking here (please note this is external to the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre). 

This survey is for people who have had an assessment to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and/or people who have had a Work Capability Assessment to claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or as part of a Universal Credit claim. You don’t have to be claiming either benefit at the moment, and you can still fill in the survey if your claim wasn’t successful.

You can share your thoughts here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx.
We would like to thank Ros for bringing this to our attention. If you see something that you think our other members may like, please email us at ms@bmstc.org.
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