
Medical Cannabis To Be Available On Prescription ‘Within Weeks’

October 10, 2018 | Southmedia

Source Huffington Post: Medical cannabis will be available on prescription in the UK within a month, according to The Telegraph.

Source Huffington Post: Medical cannabis will be available on prescription in the UK within a month, according to The Telegraph.

The Home Office is expected to announce the “rescheduling” of cannabis-derived medicines in Parliament within a fortnight, lifting restrictions which mean that until now it has only been allowed in the most exceptional circumstances within a matter of weeks. 

Under the new rules, those suffering chronic pain, severe epilepsy or nausea as a result of chemotherapy could be prescribed the drug by specialist doctors.

There are an estimated 28 million people living with chronic pain in the UK, including those suffering from conditions such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS).

The MS Society said that 10,000 people suffering from that condition alone could benefit from the treatment.  Read on.


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