
Mindfulness Study

September 1, 2020 | Southmedia

Will you join the Mindfulness study?

You may remember a few weeks ago, we told you about a Mindfulness research study? They will be beginning the study soon but they need a few more people to take part. Can you spare ten minutes a day to help? 

In case you missed it, here are all the details: 

Helen Croxon is a member of the Beds and Northants MS Therapy Centre and is a student at De Montfont University. As part of her Masters degree, she is carrying out some research into the benefits of mindfulness in MS and needs your help. She has kindly laid everything out below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Helen direct.

What if something free, simple and readily available could help you to manage your MS?

A review of recent research shows there is ‘evidence to suggest that mind-body therapies are effective for treating common MS symptoms, including fatigue, anxiety, depression…and quality of life.’ (Senders, 2012). 

Meanwhile, research into the Headspace app has found that just 10 days of Headspace reduced stress by 14%, reduced irritability by 27% and increased self-compassion, positivity and well-being.*

I am looking for volunteers to take part in a research project to find out whether taking part in mindfulness sessions on the Headspace app could be beneficial for adults with MS. It might help to manage stress, anxiety, depression or fatigue and could even have a positive effect on other symptoms.

  • Could you commit to doing a free ten-minute meditation every day for 10 days with a 10-minute online survey before and after? 
  • Would you be willing to take part in an online interview if invited?

To take part you will need to have a confirmed diagnosis of MS and be aged 18 or over. You will also need an internet-enabled smartphone or tablet to install the app.

Your answers could help other people with MS who are looking for ways to manage their own condition and will teach you some useful techniques as well. It will also help me to complete my MA in Health and Community Development!

If you are interested, please click on this link for more information and to get started.


If you would like further information, please email Helen Croxon on P2508772@mydmu.ac.uk.

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