
Update 29th April 2021

April 29, 2021 | Southmedia

More services coming very soon!

We were quiet last week because we have been very busy in the background, preparing to resume more face-to-face services at the Centre.

We anticipate that the government will move to step 3 of its roadmap on 17th of May, this will allow us to expand the services we are able to offer.


  • Pressurized oxygen therapy
  • Increased physiotherapy interventions (online classes will continue)
  • Face-to-face counselling (online will also continue)
  • Massage Therapy
  • Tai Chi classes from 27th May
  • Reiki From 28th May
  • Acupuncture – awaiting a start date
  • Spinal Reflexology – awaiting a start date

Find out more here https://www.bmstc.org/face-face-services-0

As the vaccination programme has been so successful, we will update our operating procedures in the next couple of weeks, easing some of our previous measures.  We are now able to see members over the age of 70, and those using public transport.  All of our staff, therapists and volunteers have been vaccinated, and will regularly test themselves for Covid-19 using workplace lateral flow tests. 

We hope that most of our members will also have received their vaccinations.  We would encourage members to access the free testing kits readily available from pharmacies or by post, to help keep everyone as safe as possible.  More information is available here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing/regular-rapid-coronavirus-tests-if-you-do-not-have-symptoms/

Our reception and refreshment area will remain closed to members for the time being.  We hope to reopen these when the government announces its final step 4 easing of restrictions, planned in late June.

Our Centre opening hours are changing, opening at 9.30 am and closing at 4.00 pm Monday to Friday (Tuesdays 7 pm closure).  This is due to a reduced number of staff and volunteers available, and to allow for additional cleaning and hygiene measures.  Saturday oxygen therapy will be available at the usual times of 10 am and 11.45 am.

If you have an afternoon appointment, please make sure you have transport arranged to leave the Centre no later than 4.00 pm.

You can leave a message on our answer machine outside of these times or email ms@bmstc.org.

We look forward to welcoming more of our members back to the Centre!

Best wishes

Pip and all the team.

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