Your weekly update
Any other week the news of the tier system would have dominated but it has been largely overshadowed by the news that a vaccine for COVID-19 has been approved. There are still a lot of questions to be answered but it brings a lot of hope for 2021. The MS Society has put together a summary of what we know and what this means for people with MS. Click here to read all about it.
This week we have started our Festive Fundraising and congratulations to Candice for winning a bottle of gin on Tuesday, Miriam for winning a beauty advent calendar on Wednesday, and Alice for winning a tea advent calendar on Thursday. Have you entered? Read all about it, including how to enter, here:
We also have Mohamed, Ligia and Tracy donning Santa suits this December to raise money for the Centre this December. We are still looking for more Santas to help spread Christmas cheer so click here to find out more.
We also bring you some advice from the MS Trust about how to improve your lung health. It is always very important but with the coronavirus risk, it is never more important. Click here to read more.
Have a good week,
Pip and the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre