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Information session with MS-UK: Modified movements – improving function and creating change

November 4, 2021 | Southmedia

Information session 

MS-UK is presenting an information session on modified movements – improving function and creating change. It will take place on Monday 15 November at 2pm online. 

This information session from Dr Gretchen Hawley will be revisiting one of the most popular sessions MS-UK held this year with another look at neuroplasticity. This will be aiming at taking your understanding to the next level and how using the principles of neuroplasticity when approaching exercise routines can create change in relation to function, better movement and maintaining these for continuous improvement. 

The session will discuss practicing purposeful movements, with the emphasis on quality over quantity. This phrase is often used, but what does it actually mean when it comes to practicing MS-specific exercise? Dr Gretchen will talk about the activation of muscle groups in the most productive way to ensure every repetition counts and promotes the building of new neural pathways, avoiding the pitfalls of practicing undesired movements that can lead to the learning of inefficient movement patterns. 

Dr Gretchen will take us through how to identify specific exercises to focus on the areas you want to develop and how these exercises can be modified to promote changes for neuroplasticity to occur. Dr Gretchen will then discuss how exercises can be progressed and modified so all exercises can be made possible for all levels. Dr Gretchen will use these principles to show you how to exercise at home, encouraging constructive exercise practice to take place more regularly and therefore further adding to redeveloping neural pathways. 

Session overview 

  • Discussing quality over quantity 
  • Ways to modify and progress an exercise 
  • Unique ideas to exercise at home

The session will then finish with twenty minutes for questions and answers and the chance to discuss your exercise goals. 

If you can’t make the session live, don’t worry as we will be recording the presentation and will make it available to watch again for all those registering in advance. 

There is a suggested donation of £5 for this information session, but you can make a donation of your choosing from £1 to attend. 

If you would like to know more about this session or would like help in registering, please email register@ms-uk.org


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