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MS Trust names first sites in specialist nurse funding programme

April 26, 2017 | Southmedia

Source MS Trust:

To mark MS Awareness Week 2017, the MS Trust has confirmed that it is working to bring much needed new MS nurses to Leicester and Bradford, and has announced plans to fund and develop a further six new specialist nurse posts in the next year.

Source MS Trust:

To mark MS Awareness Week 2017, the MS Trust has confirmed that it is working to bring much needed new MS nurses to Leicester and Bradford, and has announced plans to fund and develop a further six new specialist nurse posts in the next year.

MS Trust research(link is external) has shown that 64% of people living with MS in the UK – around 68,000 people – live in areas where there aren’t enough MS nurses to provide vital care and support. Without this specialist care people with MS can feel left to deal with an unpredictable and sometimes devastating disease by themselves. This is why the MS Trust has launched a campaign to fund new nurses and to make sure no one has to take on MS alone.

The programme will see the MS Trust help to recruit and fund new MS specialist nurses, work with local MS teams to help them make the most of the new nurses and demonstrate the difference they make to local people living with MS. After 15 months, the respective NHS trusts will take over funding for the posts, but the MS Trust will continue to support the nurses’ training and development, as it does for all MS nurses in the UK.  Read on. 

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