Our member and trustee Ros is starting an informal sing-along group at the Centre and everyone is welcome to take part!
Day: Mondays from 30 September 2024
Time: 11.45am to 12.45pm
The group will take place upstairs in the Zoom Room (there is a lift available to the first floor.)
There’s no audition required – just turn up, warm up and join in! Can’t sing? We don’t mind, it’s all about the joy of singing & the health benefits including:
- Lowering cortisol and relieving stress
- Strengthening the immune system
- Improving breathing
- Helping with pain
- And more!
(Information from www.singupfoundation.org)
The group will sing a wide variety of popular tracks with original vocals plus the lyrics displayed on a screen. It’s all about the joy of singing, making friends and enjoying yourself.
If you are interested or want to find out more, please contact Ros at ros@bmstc.org