An update from the physiotherapy team
For those of you who have been in the Centre on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, you may have met our new Physiotherapy Manager, Anwen. Since she has started with the charity, she has been reviewing our Risk Assessment and what services we are able to reopen.
‘We are excited to announce that we are now offering Physiotherapy Assessments (including re-assessments) and a return to 1:1 session’s, including for APS Therapy and FES. Whilst we are re-starting more face-to-face services, our current online program of classes and daily circuit sessions will remain as they are.
Following lots of positive feedback, for the foreseeable future, we will be continuing our online presence with regular classes being available but do aim to return to classes in the Centre alongside these. There will be more on this in the weeks ahead!
Please do get in touch if you would like to access any of the Physiotherapy services or just want to find out more about what we can offer you. Call us on 0118 901 6000 or email for more information.’
Whilst we are restarting some more Physiotherapy services, please note the communal areas are still closed and there are strict systems in place when you attend the Centre. Find out more here: