Can anyone use two tickets to see ABC at the Royal Albert Hall on 23rd June 2022?

March 2, 2022 | Southmedia

Fancy a night out at the Royal Albert Hall?

Neil, one of our members, has two tickets to ABC at the Royal Albert Hall in June he can no longer use and is looking to find someone to use them. 

In June 1982 ABC released the iconic Lexicon of Love album and they are putting on a 40th-anniversary performance to mark the occasion at the Royal Albert Hall, backed with a full orchestra. The album contains classics such as Poison Arrow, The Look of Love and All of My Heart.

The performance starts at 7.30pm on Thursday 23 June, and the tickets are for a wheelchair user and a carer.

He doesn’t want any money for these but would love for them to be used as he can’t make it anymore. He saw them at the same venue three years ago and they were fantastic.

Car parking ticket at the college next door also included.

Contact Neil on if interested.


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